NOvA's First Neutrino!
"It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out."- Proverbs 25:2
"Great are the works of the LORD, studied by all who delight in them." - Psalm 111:2 (NRSV)
Posted by
Luke C.
11:28 AM
Scene 1
[Interior, sparsely decorated kitchen with Roommate 1 sitting at a table eating cereal. A calendar on the wall indicates the date is Oct. 30]
[Enter Roommate 2]
Roommate 1: Morning
Roommate 2: Morning. The house seems warmer this morning.
Roommate 1: Yeah, it got cold enough last night that I finally turned on the heat.
Roommate 2: Okay...
Roommate 1: Don't worry; I only put the thermostat at 60. I'll still be able to pay my share of the gas bill.
Roommate 2: Thanks. By the way, we're low on toilet paper.
Roommate 1: Oh. [pause] I'll pick some up tomorrow.
Roommate 2: Thanks.
[End Scene I]
Scene 2
[Exterior, A scarecrow sits in a lawn chair near a tree in front of a house. Lit jack-o-lanterns are also present. Sounds of children trick-or-treating are in the background.]
[Enter several youths wearing mischievous grins and bearing toilet paper.]
Youth 1: [whispers] Ready?
Rest: [whisper] Ready.
[Several youths cock their arms to throw the toilet paper.]
Scarecrow: Hey you kids, get off my lawn!
[Scarecrow leaps out of chair brandishing a large menacing gun, pointed at the youths]
Youths: [Various profanities]
[Youths drop toilet paper and run off stage]
Scene 3
[Interior, same as scene 1]
[Enter Roommate 2 in full paintball gear]
Roommate 2: Morning.
Roommate 1: Morning.
Roommate 2: Have you seen my paintball gun?
Roommate 1: I put it back on your dresser.
Roommate 2: Ah, thanks.
[Exit roommate 2]
Roommate 2 [from offstage]: Oh, thanks for getting the toilet paper.
Roommate 1: You're quite welcome.
Roommate 2: How much do I owe you for it?
Roommate 1: Nothing. It was a donation ... of sorts.
Roommate 2: Okaaaaaaaaay.
Posted by
Luke C.
12:11 PM
"When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the LORD your God for the good land he has given you. 11 Be careful that you do not forget the LORD your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day." - Deuteronomy 8:10-11
Posted by
Luke C.
3:26 PM
With the retirement of Vern Elhers, the defeat of Bill Foster, and the unsuccessful candidacy of Ruth McClung, only one physicist will be in the 112th Congress: Rush Holt.
"From my experience let me say this: in today's world it is no bad thing for a politician to have had the benefit of a scientific background." - Margaret Thatcher
Posted by
Luke C.
8:14 AM
From my lovely wife Kelly's blog:
Paris was... delicious. ;) The definite highlight for me was trying new and interesting and even international foods! Surprisingly, we ate at a Brazilian restaurant, Indian restaurant, a North African restaurant, Japanese sushi place, and an Italian restaurant while we were there, in addition to various cafes and such! There's also a famous ice cream shop on the central island that I got to try. Hopefully you can see the pics that we posted on Facebook from the trip; much of the food is chronicled there, such as the AMAZING desserts and yummy baguette sandwiches that we got from the bakery on the corner, the awesome cheese plate we had for dinner our last night there, and the escargot and steak tartare (which were the "new and interesting" foods of the trip, and both surprisingly delicious!)
We saw lots of things too... Luke dragged me through the Louvre while I was still mostly-asleep and exhausted from jet lag, but hey, he wanted to see it... We got an awesome tour of the Eiffel Tower! We had a great tour guide, and we got to go underground to an old radio station and tunnel that goes under the tower and nearby area, and we also got to go up on a platform in the tower that isn't actually open to the public, so that was nice to get a non-crowded view of the city... and of course great views from all sides. We also had a guided tour of the Marais, which is a very old part of town where they were surprised to find walls that were thousands of years old when renovating that part of the city in recent decades. That was also where we had the escargot, and some of the best steak I've ever had... did I tell you the food was the highlight for me? ;)
We also saw a couple of the famous old churches: Notre Dame, of course, located in the very oldest part of the city, and Sacred Heart, which is on pretty much the only hill in the city. You can get a very nice view of the city from the steps of the church, and we were there near sunset, which was nice. However, it's also a place where beggars/pickpockets/etc. congregate and try to get tourists to buy their (whatever junk they happen to be selling) or just try to get money from tourists. In some cases they are very aggressive... one guy tried to follow us and kept asking us something (I don't even remember what) but we were able to shake him. It's definitely a conflict: how do you be kind to people who are chasing after you in order to cheat you out of your money? The Eiffel Tower was another place we encountered this... people everywhere, all selling the same cheap plastic copies of the tower, and all kinds of trinkets. Near Sacred Heart, though, was where we had French onion soup and cheese fondue... mmm :)
One cool thing we did at the end of the trip was go on a cruise of the Seine across the city. It's just a recording, but they do tell you about the various buildings and bridges and their history.
From our experience, stuff we have read, and people we have talked to, it seems that we really did avoid the "rude French" stereotype by just trying to speak a little bit of their language. The more touristy places had signs and staff who spoke English, of course, but in bakeries and shops and restaurants (we tried our best to go to not-so-touristy places to eat) it was useful to just know a few words, and we were definitely carrying phrasebooks everywhere to look things up (like menu items).
It was nice being connected to the conference too. Although I did not get to go, Luke got to hear the President of France (Nicolas Sarkozy) in person as he gave the opening address for the conference. We also got to go to the natural history museum and their "Grand Gallery of Evolution", which has models and skeletons of oh so many animals, birds, butterflies, etc... We were supposed to have a banquet there, but in the words of Luke's colleague, it was an "unmitigated disaster" as they were only serving (very few, at that) snacks to a huge group of people who were expecting dinner... we ended up leaving and finding the Brazilian restaurant, lol. And the best event (well, tied with the Eiffel Tower tour, perhaps) in my book was visiting the Paris City Hall, which is more like a historic palace than an office building, and getting to see and hear a wonderful string quartet performance there. It was extremely hot (there are very few air conditioned places in such old cities with old buildings!) and at intermission we ended up getting up and opening these huge old windows.
I was so thankful for the hotel we found. Since Luke's notice of acceptance to the conference came rather late, all of the reserved rooms were taken, and we had to find our own... no small task to find a room overseas in a country that speaks another language! But we found a place, and it had a teeny elevator so we didn't have to lug suitcases up and down the small curved staircases, and-- it even had an air conditioner, which was so very welcome after walking up those four flights of stairs to get back to our room. :) It had a tv, but of course everything was in French, so we really didn't watch anything.
I am thankful to Annette who motivated me to write something about the trip (finally)!
Posted by
Luke C.
11:22 AM
For those of us who respond with the title of this entry when we see the proliferation of political yard signs this time of year, I have compiled a list of sources that I have found useful in deciding who to select in some of the less publicized races.
Posted by
Luke C.
7:38 PM
From next Thursday through Monday, Kelly and I will be in International Falls, MN for a NOvA Collaboration Meeting. I thought I would share a couple of articles about the experiment that I had not posted before. One is a good description of the experiment for the general public that appeared in the Washington Post. The other is an article in the Minnesota Daily (the University of Minnesota's student newspaper) and quotes my supervisor Mark Messier.
Posted by
Luke C.
2:52 PM
Fermilab's directorate is currently deciding whether or not to extend the run of the lab's collider, the Tevatron, as described quite well in this story in the Beacon News. I have an obvious interest in this decision because I work on two of the experiments "involving neutrinos."
Posted by
Luke C.
2:16 PM
Posted by
Luke C.
1:15 PM
Look closely at how many people shared the stories of the Colorado wildfire and a woman's "regenerated fingertip." I know our population is growing, but this is ridiculous! This is a screen shot from CNN on Sep. 10, 2010 at 14:55:06 CDT.
Posted by
Luke C.
7:26 AM
We (the Boomers) were eliminated from the playoffs on Aug. 12 with our second loss. Our opponents in that second loss, the Big Bangers, went on to loose the championship game to the Lighting Rods.
Posted by
Luke C.
9:26 AM
Posted by
Luke C.
8:25 AM
Our Fermilab Softball League Team (the Boomers) start in the league playoffs tomorrow (Aug. 11) if weather permits. We go in as the fourth seed with a 3-8 record.
Posted by
Luke C.
1:26 PM
If you look at this picture carefully, you will notice something odd. Specifically, the antenna cable is plugged into the wall rather than a TV. This is because our TV is in our living room on the first floor, but the best reception is obtained with the antenna on the second floor. Since previous occupants of our house had cable and satellite TV, we were able to use coaxial cable they left here to connect the antenna to the cable jack as seen above, run a cable from that jack to another one downstairs, and finally, run a cable from that jack to our TV. It's amazing what one will do to get good TV without paying for cable!
The problem alluded to in the title is that this antenna (a Terk HDTVa) receives almost all of the broadcast channels from Chicago that we want to see. One channel is missing.
Posted by
Luke C.
11:08 AM
Given the size of ICHEP, my experience is only a small sample. Overall, I got the impression that neutrino physics is an extremely active field with a large number of experiments either collecting data or being constructed. The only real disappointment at the conference with neutrinos was that NOvA did not get a talk and that not many abstracts from MINOS were accepted. I also was personally glad to see that my thesis work on B→ Ï„ ν was mentioned several times and is a source of tension with the Standard Model. See slides 21-23 of the plenary Rare B Decay talk and slide 31 of the plenary CKM review talk. As expected, the LHC experiments showed their first results. They are rediscovering the SM quite quickly. I was surprised at how many analyses had results ready for the conference. The only other disappointment came in the form of the Conference “Dinner.” The quotation marks are very deliberate. The reality is described in part on an ICHEP 2010 blog entry. It was not a dinner; it was a cocktails and appetizers with too many people, too little food, and too little space. It was, in the words of one of our colleagues, an “unmitigated disaster.” To the organizers’ credit, they did give 50% refunds of the accompanying person fee. The coffee break food and beverages were quite good with large fruit baskets being part of most of the coffee breaks. The conference had two big surprises. The biggest surprise for most people was that “opening” talk given on Monday by President Nicolas Sarkozy of France! I thought his speech was very good, even though he made one historical error (Galileo did not go to prison). He talked much about the need to defend and promote science to the general public. He also announced a large proposed funding project for Saclay. The speech was interpreted into English in real time via headsets; that led to some interesting artifacts like people laughing at two different times to the same joke and the English interpreter consistently referring to members of our field as “physicians” rather than physicists. The biggest surprise for me was winning the First Prize Poster award. Thank you for your help, and I thank God for giving me the opportunity and ability to do so. My poster is available online as a PDF. This entry is intended a summary of the conference in Paris. Details about the rest of our trip will come when we have finished sorting through the hundreds of pictures we took!
Posted by
Luke C.
11:06 AM
Posted by
Luke C.
11:23 AM
I just learned that my abstract was accepted for the International Conference on High Energy Physics 2010 in Paris, France! Kelly and I plan on traveling there in July.
Posted by
Luke C.
3:59 PM
Posted by
Luke C.
11:55 AM
Posted by
Luke C.
3:02 PM
Posted by
Luke C.
9:40 AM
Let us remember in our thoughts and prayers those suffering from natural disasters in Haiti, Chile, and elsewhere, and the people from those countries and from around the world who have worked tirelessly and selflessly to render aid. Let us pray for the families of the West Virginia miners, and the people of Poland who so recently and unexpectedly lost many of their beloved leaders. Let us pray for the safety and success of those who have left home to serve in our Armed Forces, putting their lives at risk in order to make the world a safer place. As we remember them, let us not forget their families and the substantial sacrifices that they make every day. Let us remember the unsung heroes who struggle to build their communities, raise their families, and help their neighbors, for they are the wellspring of our greatness. Finally, let us remember in our thoughts and prayers those people everywhere who join us in the aspiration for a world that is just, peaceful, free, and respectful of the dignity of every human being.
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ...
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.
Posted by
Luke C.
3:30 PM
If you can see this on Facebook, this test worked!
Posted by
Luke C.
3:41 PM
This is a test. This is only a test. This is a test of the app I just installed on Facebook to allow my blog posts to be automatically "blogcasted" on Facebook. Had this been an actual blog post, it would have been (I hope) at least mildly interesting.
Posted by
Luke C.
3:45 PM
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Mary Matalin | |||| | ||||
Posted by
Luke C.
10:20 AM
My Ph.D. dissertation has now officially produced two publications! The first was the one I wrote about earlier (Phys. Rev. D 76, 052002).
Posted by
Luke C.
11:23 AM
Posted by
Luke C.
3:47 PM
Those of you in Columbus probably already know this, but Kelly and I will be visiting Columbus, OH (the city where we first met) this weekend (Mar. 26-28). We are free the afternoon and evening of Saturday and Sunday.
Posted by
Luke C.
11:28 AM
As an indicator of how incendiary these issues can be, even on this small blog, my entries on a panel discussion about Christianity and evolution prompted some controversy in the comments on my original entry and the entry with a link to the audio of the event.
In other words, it will consist of a one-sided dialogue on the topic? No opposing views from scientists who haven't "been convinced"? So much for building trust...We were trying to build trust with the non-Christian academic community at Indiana University, and we realized that could cost us the trust of some of our fellow Christians.
To be fair, I wouldn't like it if a bunch of intelligent design supporters had a "panel discussion" under the guise of promoting trust between science and Christians. It's not helpful on either side of the debate to do this sort of "let us explain how you're wrong" thing.Our goal was not a debate; our goal was to reach across the gap that currently separates many in the scientific community form the Kingdom of God.
Well, it didn't start out terribly well in the opening comments:In my comments, I was simply acknowledging that, for better or worse, the stereotype I described exists and is believed by many members of the academic community, probably including many members of the audience. Darius' opinion of the intellectual prowess of evangelical leaders is not shared by a large number of my colleagues, and that is a painful reality for me. It is a reality that we had to address directly in our discussion, and that is what I tried to do in my comments.
"The stereotypical evangelical Christian culture is deeply anti-intellectual and forces its members to choose between their faith and good science, like biological evolution."
Already, a bias against and uncharitable understanding of the other side is introduced here. While some evangelicals are certainly anti-intellectual, I have found this to be largely the exception and not the rule. Evangelical Christians are some of the most intellectually honest thinkers in society, particularly the leaders of Evangelicalism. Also, you say that biological evolution is "good science." I know of many scientists and other bright minds who would disagree strongly with that view. Are they being "anti-intellectual?" It seems a bit unfair to call anyone who disagrees with you "anti-intellectual"...
I haven't listened to the rest yet, but already this is set up with certain prejudices already assumed. I think it would be good to do a panel discussion on "Can an Evangelical Christian Trust a Biologist?" :)
Posted by
Luke C.
11:20 AM
Posted by
Luke C.
1:42 PM
Despite my bike having a flat tire (I took the van), I arrived at the class on time for an 8am start. After the six hour class and a 40-question test, I am now trained as a Radiological Worker at Fermilab.
Posted by
Luke C.
1:53 PM
Posted by
Luke C.
12:40 PM
Posted by
Luke C.
10:47 AM
As you may have read, I was advertising for someone to take over the lease on my apartment in Indiana. Thank God that he provided someone in late January; it was a big weight off of our shoulders.
Posted by
Luke C.
8:33 AM
The international Christian humanitarian aid group works with Major League Baseball, the NFL, and the NBA to collect misprinted merchandise and distribute it to people living in impoverished nations.I can't help but wonder if the confused look on the little girl's face means she knows that her T-Shirt is wrong, but I'm glad the merchandise doesn't go to waste.
Posted by
Luke C.
10:32 AM
I will briefly discuss why this is a peculiar issue, and illustrate this with various examples of how the issue is being exploited and portrayed. In particular, I will show how much of the science and phenomenology being presented is contradicted by both logic and data. Although there is a profound disconnect between the commonly cited IPCC conclusion and the various projections of catastrophe, it is nonetheless worthwhile to examine the basis for the IPCC attribution of recent warming to man because the arguments are profoundly at odds with normative scientific logic. Even so, the claimed result, itself, is consistent with low, and hence unworrisome, climate sensitivity. This talk will discuss how one can ascertain the sensitivity. Most approaches are faulty in that they use observed temperature behavior and assume its cause. We show how this trap can be avoided. There are several approaches, and they each lead to the conclusion that current models are substantially exaggerating sensitivity. However, because of the peculiar nature of this issue, it seems unlikely that either this or the evidence of data mishandling will serve to diminish the commitment of many individuals to the seriousness of the alleged problem.
Posted by
Luke C.
1:50 PM
"Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh."
Posted by
Luke C.
12:55 PM