CGSA Camping Trip 2008
From August 22-24, we in CGSA went on our annual camping trip. The weather was much better than last year; the dry conditions this summer apparently depressed the mosquito population, which was a welcome relief.
We camped at Dillon State Park, which is the home of Dillon Reservoir, where we swam, as you can see below.The park itself was surprisingly manicured, almost like a golf course.
Different members of the group took turns preparing meals. Kelly and I prepared breakfast on Saturday morning. We fried bacon and toasted bagels over a campfire. If anyone reading wants to try this, be careful because bacon grease is surprisingly flammable! Probably the best items were the hamburgers grilled over the fire for dinner on Saturday night.
We went on a hike that became much longer than we intended. We did not have a trail map, so we got quite lost. Everyone else seemed to handle it with good humor. Once we successfully found our way out of the woods and back to park headquarters, we celebrated.Once Bob told us that this was a Buckeye Tree, I think this pose became inevitable. I am still not sure why Jona is kicking.
More pictures may be forthcoming.